2.12.1 Variables and Definitions size_t is the unsigned integer result of the sizeof keyword. FILE is a type suitable for storing information for a file stream. fpos_t is a type suitable for storing any position in a file. NULL is the value of a null pointer constant. _IOFBF, _IOLBF, and _IONBF are used in the setvbuf function. BUFSIZ is an integer which represents […]
Articles Tagged: NULL
Değişkenler ve Tanımlar
ptrdiff_t is the result of subtracting two pointers. size_t is the unsigned integer result of the sizeof keyword. wchar_t is an integer type of the size of a wide character constant. NULL is the value of a null pointer constant. offsetof(type, member-designator) This results in a constant integer of type size_t which is the offset in bytes of a structure member from […]
Değişkenler ve Tanımlar
2.6.1 Variables and Definitions The lconv structure contains the following variables in any order. The use of this structure is described in 2.6.3 localeconv. char *decimal_point; char *thousands_sep; char *grouping; char *int_curr_symbol; char *currency_symbol; char *mon_decimal_point; char *mon_thousands_sep; char *mon_grouping; char *positive_sign; char *negative_sign; char int_frac_digits; char frac_digits; char p_cs_precedes; char p_sep_by_space; char n_cs_precedes; char n_sep_by_space; char p_sign_posn; […]