2.3.1 EDOM Declaration: #define EDOM some_value EDOM is an identifier macro declared with #define. Its value represents a domain error which is returned by some math functions when a domain error occurs. Faydalı Yetersiz

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to… Functions

2.2.2 to… Functions Declarations: int tolower(int character); int toupper(int character); The to… functions provide a means to convert a single character. If the character matches the appropriate condition, then it is converted. Otherwise the character is returned unchanged. Conditions: tolower If the character is an uppercase character (A to Z), then it is converted to lowercase (a […]

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is… Functions

2.2.1 is… Functions Declarations: int isalnum(int character); int isalpha(int character); int iscntrl(int character); int isdigit(int character); int isgraph(int character); int islower(int character); int isprint(int character); int ispunct(int character); int isspace(int character); int isupper(int character); int isxdigit(int character); The is… functions test the given character and return a nonzero (true) result if it satisfies the following conditions. If not, then 0 (false) is returned. Conditions: isalnum a […]

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2.1 assert.h The assert header is used for debugging purposes. Macros: assert(); External References: NDEBUG 2.1.1 assert Declaration: void assert(int expression); The assert macro allows diagnostic information to be written to the standard error file. If expression evaluates to 0 (false), then the expression, sourcecode filename, and line number are sent to the standard error, and […]

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